Esta Luna Nueva, luna negra

Luna Negra

A veces, cuando una persona del pasado se presenta en nuestro aquí y ahora, lo hace como una oportunidad del Universo para agradecer: agradecer lo que aconteció, los aprendizajes y muchas veces, para agradecer lo que no fue. Ya que todo lo que aconteció o no, nos abrió camino a la belleza del ahora.

Estos días son de mucho movimiento interno, los planetas transitando por los Nodos (que marcan nuestra misión de vida y son vitales para que los eclipses ocurran) abren diálogos con el pasado y el futuro, activando los portales del tiempo espiral, haciendo espacio para que nuestro rezo sane el pasado y abra posibilidades amorosas para el futuro.


El 19, 20 y 21 acontece lo que ancestralmente llamaron tiempo de “luna negra”, un espacio temporal poderoso para la depuración y sanación. En estos días previos a la luna nueva la energía es preciosa para soltar, limpiar, llorar, hacer el duelo por todas esas pérdidas que no hemos podido integrar o mirar desde otro lugar. Agradecer y despedir a los viejos personajes que nos traen memoria de quiénes fuimos… pero ya no somos.

Tenemos tres días preciosos para hacer limpieza sagrada: ordenar clósets, depurar, limpiar, reorganizar papeles, decir adiós a todo aquello que ya no está resonando con nuestro propósito, hacer espacio y vacío para estar ligeras y cruzar el portal del eclipse.


teexto web

El poder transformador y sanador de los mantras.

Un mantra es una sílaba, palabra o frase escrita en sánscrito, un idioma sagrado.

Los budistas y los hindúes utilizan el canto de mantras para sanar y favorecer el desarrollo y crecimiento espiritual. Para que un mantra tenga un efecto positivo en nosotros no es necesario que sepamos como se escribe o conozcamos su significado.

Un mantra es sonido, es vibración y es ahí precisamente donde reside su poder. Su principio básico se fundamenta en el concepto de que todo en el universo vibra, nada está inmóvil, todo se mueve (tercera ley universal, principio hermético de vibración).

Los mantras poseen una vibración muy elevada que al repetirse una y otra vez, tanto en voz alta como mentalmente, son capaces de poner a las personas que lo recitan en resonancia con aquello que se invoca y elevar a la vez su propia vibración. La resonancia es la fuerza que hace posible un intercambio de energía entre dos sistemas que oscilan a frecuencias diferentes. En el caso de que queramos sanar una vez entramos en resonancia la energía curativa fluye y tiene lugar el proceso de sanación.

Cuando cantamos mantras usamos el lenguaje divino del Universo y nos comunicamos con él de manera clara y directa. Hay muchos mantras, cada uno tiene un significado y una intención específica, unos sirven para eliminar pensamientos negativos, otros para alcanzar la iluminación o despertar la sabiduría interior; están los que nos ayudan a conectar con la frecuencia del amor incondicional, de la gratitud, de la prosperidad, de la abundancia o de la compasión; existen mantras para liberar obstáculos, para purificarnos, etc. Incluso nosotros mismos podemos crear uno con un significado especial.

mantra omEl mantra más conocido, sin lugar a dudas es Om, esta sílaba sagrada constituye el primer sonido del Universo, significa unidad con lo supremo y es el origen y principio de todos los demás mantras.

“Om es el sonido cósmico, la primera pulsación o vibración de lo inmanifestado al manifestarse. La recitación de Om es como un ojo de buey abierto al infinito.” Ramiro Calle, El Faquir

La palabra mantra está formada por dos sílabas, man o mans que significa mente y traque es sinónimo de liberación.

Cantar mantras es una buena manera de liberar la mente y es una excelente manera de meditar, cuando nos concentramos en la repetición de esas sílabas ayudamos a serenar y calmar nuestra mente, detenemos ese continuo vaivén de pensamientos y emociones que pasean por ella como Pedro por su casa y favorecemos un estado de calma, paz y sosiego.

Cuanto más tiempo estés cantando mantras más efectos beneficiosos tendrás tanto a nivel físico como espiritual.

Teexto de la web Triskelate .  



En Reiki ultilizamos diferentes mantras para el desbloqueo de los chacras.

Como limpiar nuestra aura con Palo Santo.

¿Cómo podemos limpiar nuestra aura con Palo Santo?

El proceso es muy simple que se divide en las siguientes fases: el agradecimiento, el procedimiento de quema, el pase de humo, el ruego final y el agradecimiento.

Vamos poco a poco a ver en qué consta cada fase, veréis ¡qué simple y qué efectivo!

Lo primero que tenemos que hacer es agradecer a la madre tierra por ofrecerte esa madera que vas a prender para poder así transformar esa energía que ya no forma parte de tu propósito.

Da gracias a la madera por esa labor de limpieza que va a realizar con su humo sagrado; limpieza de tu cuerpo físico y aquellos que acompañan a este, también llamados cuerpos sutiles.

A continuación, pide a tus ángeles, arcángeles, guías y maestros que te acompañen y ayuden en la limpieza de los cuerpos y los chakras.

Te invitamos a leer el siguiente artículo Los ángeles guardianes de la Tierra


Habiendo agradecido a la madre tierra y a la madera, procede a encender la varita y sopla para apagar la llama y empiece a soltar su humo sagrado. Es aconsejable bendecirla para tu mayor beneficio.



Comenzamos a limpiar nuestra aura por la coronilla, donde se encuentra el séptimo chakra. Realizamos círculos concéntricos siguiendo el sentido de las agujas del reloj y vamos bajando poco a poco siguiendo la línea media de nuestro cuerpo físico hasta llegar a nuestros pies.

No olvides pasar el humo por la planta de los pies, pásalo también por detrás de la espalda a la altura del chakra base y permite que el humo sagrado retire de tu cuerpo aquella energía que no se encuentre en resonancia con el amor incondicional.


Una vez pasado con el humo por todo tu cuerpo, pide que todo aquello que ha sido limpiado por el Palo Santo sea transmutado en amor incondicional.


No olvides agradecer una vez terminado. Agradece al Padre, Madre, Dioses y a la Madre Tierra. Agradece a todos los seres que te han acompañado y ayudado, agradece a los ángeles, arcángeles, guías y maestros. Hecho está, Hecho está, Hecho está.

Para terminar, unos últimos comentarios y consejos: podemos volver a reutilizar el Palo Santo. Es importantísimo, siempre hay que agradecer a todos los elementos que nos ayudan a limpiar nuestros campos de energía de baja vibración que no se corresponden con nuestro propósito.


de la web

Teexto y canción sobre nuestro poder de dejar fluir.

Mientras leas o escuches, no te esfuerces demasiado.

Se como la Tierra. Cuando llega la lluvia, la tierra solo tiene que abrirse a ella..Deja que la lluvia del Dharma llegue y penetre hadta las semillas enterradas en el fonde de tu consciéncia. Un maestro no puede darte la verdad. La verdad está ya en tu interior. Solo necesitas abrir -el cuerpo, la mente y el corazón- para que sus enseñanzas penetren hasta tis propias semillas de comprensión e iluminación. Si dejas que las palabras penetren en ti, el,suelo y las semillas harán el resto del trabajo.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Entrevista al Diari de Tarragona 23/4/17

Sita Grau Torras: ‘Mi libro es una forma de compartir esperanza’
Sita Grau es maestra de reiki y escritora. Su obra ‘La sonrisa de las Margaritas’ habla de su experiencia para dar optimismo a la gente. Además da e imparte clases de reiki


Sita Grau haciendo meditación. Foto: Lluís Milián
Publicado: 18:34 – 23/04/2017
Esther Garrido

El reiki es la vida para Sita Grau Torras. Y la vida, felicidad. Y (casi) todo, se lo debe al reiki. Es un círculo sin fin para esta tarraconense nacida en el 1968 y maestra de reiki. ¿Pero qué es? Reiki se compone de dos palabras japonesas: rei, universo, y ki, energía.

De modo que básicamente el reiki es la energía universal, que se transmite mediante una terapia bioenergética en la que ésta energía se canaliza y se da, «aportando más salud física, emocional, mental y espiritual» dice Grau.

La manera en cómo funciona es sencilla. «Hacemos de canal energético»,explica Grau. Para aclararlo, tiene un ejemplo que es el que da en todas sus clases: «Somos como un limón. Si a ese limón lo atraviesas con una pajita, dentro de la pajita pasa la energía y entonces la ofrecemos». Según afirma, aprender la técnica del reiki es importante porque tenemos «energía limitada» en nuestro cuerpo, pero canalizando la del universo es una energía sin fin, con lo que «no nos agotamos». Se puede hacer reiki a personas, pero también a animales, plantas o lugares.

La historia de Sita Grau es única en el mundo. Padeciendo una enfermedad muy grave, sintió ‘la llamada’ de esta terapia, para usarla en su propio beneficio, sin abandonar los tratamientos occidentales. Pero para ella, su situación tan terrible no fue una desgracia, al contrario, la describe como «una bendición». Una frase que le encanta para describir su dramática etapa es la del escritor y psicomago Alejandro Jodorowsky: ‘No seas maestro, no enseñes, simplemente muestra lo que has aprendido a hacer por ti mismo’. Y Grau ha aprendido mucho de su experiencia, y necesitaba compartirla. Y es que Sita Grau se curó. Se curó cuando los médicos no daban nada por ella.

En un momento en que necesitaba armonía en su vida, el reiki «fue a ella» y se comprometió a difundirlo entre los demás. Cuando físicamente la consumía la enfermedad, esta terapia le aportó «paz, tranquilidad y conocimiento» así que «la tenía que difundir».

Considera que «en Tarragona necesitamos estas terapias», ya que las químicas producen muchas enfermedades. También por culpa del actual ritmo de vida, que causa estrés. Grau asegura que «todas las ciudades necesitan reiki» y «se debería impartir en los hospitales».

Grau ha escrito un libro solidario, cuyos beneficios van por completo a la Associació de Nens amb Càncer, Afanoc. La obra se llama La sonrisa de las margaritas, y la autora la describe como una forma de «compartir esperanza en la vida». El libro está basado en su propia experiencia y su intención es ayudar a gestionar las emociones y sentimientos para poder vivir mejor, aunque sea en casos de enfermedad o de sufrimientos emocionales y personales.

Grau habla de su libro como «una sonrisa a la vida del jardín de nuestro cuerpo». En él, explica los pasos que tuvo que seguir para salir adelante.En su caso, le sirvió el reiki y la meditación. Pero sobretodo aceptar. «La clave es la aceptación», asegura. Ahora se encuentra escribiendo la segunda parte, ya que es un libro «que está ayudando mucho».

Grau asegura que el reiki no te cambia, sino que «te une contigo mismo», «no nos hace ser nada que no seamos», al contrario, «te conecta con lo que realmente somos».


Click aqui para ver directamente el artículo en el Diari Tarragona digital


Cuál es el mejor mometo para meditar? ? AHORA

Como? Mirando las flores secas de los pinos que cubren el suelo.

Igual que los pinos dejan marchar sus flores que ya no necesitan, Yo me “vacio” igual que ellos. Dejando ir las cosas y pensamientos que no me ayudan crecer.


Feliz meditación



Canciones medicina, sanan el cuerpo y el alma.

Siempre que puedo acudo cuando hacen reuniones para cantar “canciones medicina” (ícaros), realmente me aportan mucho. Os animo a que las probeis.

Siempre he oído decir en casa, esta frase popular…quién canta a su mal espanta..y es así el sonido es una gran herramienta vibracional.

Su repetición penetra en nuestra alma, nos ayuda a subir el nivel vibracional y a sanar nuestro cuerpo y espíritu ya que conectamos con nuestra esencia y con la del Todo.

Esta canción medicina es muy sencilla y sanadora, para cantar y repetir en un círculo, dejar que su sabiduría y esencia nos llene…

Si no conoces la música, la puedes escuchar a través del enlace abajo:

Amo, amo, amo, amo mi cuerpo

cada paso que doy es un paso que amo

cada paso que doy es un paso sagrado.

Amo, amo, amo, amo mi mente

cada paso que doy es un paso que amo

cada paso que doy es un paso sagrado.

Amo, amo, amo, amo mi espiritu

cada paso que doy es un paso que amo

cada paso que doy es un paso sagrado.



Medicina integrativa con el Dr.Paco Barnosell

Comparto esta entrevista que le han hecho al Dr.Barnosell, donde nos explica que es la medicina integrativa y su dedicación hacia su expansión.


Uno de los conceptos importantes para mi, de los cuales cita en la entrevista, para la sanación del paciente es cuando nos habla sobre ” el empoderamiento del paciente ” creado por el médico o teapeuta, tant inportante para su sanación.

SIempre Gracias Paco Barnosell gran profesional, gran persona.


Click aqui para ver la entrevista.



entrevista en inglés a Sita Grau, portal holístic.

We chat with… > Sita Grau


Sita Grau PortalHolístic
Sita Grau
It’s difficult to understand that the disease comes to heal

I enjoy a good time of the sea breeze in the company of Sita Grau, Reiki teacher and author of the book “The smile of the daisies”
February 29, 2016

On a fantastic sunny winter day by the sea and the beach, I find Sita Grau. I quickly realize that it will be difficult to show in written words, greatness and light flowing from this person, her incessant smile and eyes. Joy, passion, humility, constant gratitude… All this and more is what I can appreciate in this magical and courageous being that I have in front of me.

I admire the ease which she begins to explain me her story of overcoming a serious illness, and how, far from being submerged in sadness, this story helped her to be reborn to become the person she is now.

But the nicest thing of all is that I am lucky to be a witness of the loving fusion between the sea and her, her silent dialogue, her recognition… “Water always wins because it adapts to all”. Just like Sita Grau and her daisies.

With delight I present our great talk.


You received a message to write a book called “The smile of the daisies” (La sonrisa de las margaritas) after overcoming a serious illness, right?

AmYes, I am alive and it is for something, therefore I cannot keep it for myself. The message is to explain that nothing happens by chance. For many diagnostics that life puts in our way, not only illnesses, there is hope and we can always change them whenever we want. The book is a call for hope, to life, to live your life! The life you choose.

And is it possible that hope is installed into a negative person?

Yes, it is possible and I have seen it. No matter how stubborn you are, there is always something that makes you click. A book, a person, a vision, an experience… It’s when you say: “Okay”! There is always a moment in your life that makes you reflect on something. You could think: “This girl is talking about hope, but I have too many problems”. But if you see that perhaps it has worked on her you could ask yourself, “Why it wouldn’t work for me too?”

For many diagnostics that life puts in our way, not only illnesses, there is hope and we can always change them whenever we want
But when you were diagnosed with the disease, they didn’t give you much hope

Everything went very fast because I was in the emergency room because of a cold and then I was told I had a tumor in a lung, which could not operate and that I would die.

Did you feel scared?

No. Of course, at first it was difficult to react because I thought I had just a cold, but at any moment I started to distress. I was lucky to feel very sheltered by relatives and friends. From the first moment of diagnosis, the love was there. Love is what heals, it is the strength and the most powerful energy existing.

And did you feel frustrated or victimhood?

No. No victimhood. I had little expectations for the steps to follow and what to do. But neither distress, nor victimhood. I did not think: “I will die, how sad, why did it happen to me?…”. Over time, I realized that it’s as if I felt like I was waiting for the disease thinking, “Well, it’s here; it has come yet”

Why do you think you were expecting it?

Because I think I have always been grateful for the disease because it has been a before and an after in my life. I think to make a number of changes, I have to go through here. Sometimes, unfortunately we have to go through extreme measures to make changes in our lives.

You know you want to go here, but socially, by inertia or because you are surrounded by a number of lives or patterns, you do not. And then you need a strong touch. Then you see that this is serious, this is real. Or you choose to be you and what you want in life, or you leave.


You made the decision to live. What came first, the instinct to hang on to life or acceptance?

I think acceptance. First, I took what came to me, what could happen and I thought: “Since I am living it, I’ll get all the positive side, I want to live! I want to do everything possible to live. I do not know what will be the end, but I want it to be an enriching experience”. It was at that time that I clung to life.

And this “I want to live” is a message that comes from the heart, faith, soul, intuition…

I think it was more for the intuition, that inner thing I felt. It was as if my heart opened at that time in life, as it has always been closed and that it opened at that precise moment. I want this! I want to live! I want to feel this connection with faith, with love, with people and myself… I do not want to lose all this!

Love is what heals, it is the strength and the most powerful energy existing
It was a time of discernment, of recognition of your being?

Yes. Suddenly, like a movie. Humbly, I think it was a loyal connection with my soul. It no longer tries to live or not live. No. Here it was something else. A number of reasons, energies… many unknown things that were perhaps remembered clearly and were hidden under many layers. And when they open you say: “Wow….”

And thereafter, you started living…

Each day, as if it was the only one. It is a cliché, but that’s how it is.

And you start a process of self-knowledge, what is for you self-knowledge?

Living from consciousness, being aware of everything you do. When you wake up or go to the bathroom and say thanks… Thank you because I am brushing my teeth and now I feel the taste of pasta I didn’t taste before. Awareness of all, every moment, every word you hear and say. Its consequences, what you bring and what they bring you… To live like this is like a constant flow.


It’s a state of constant present!

Yes. And that makes you forget about the expectations, it makes you have no fear. How you are so good in the present, fear makes no sense. You are giving thanks for everything, talking, drinking, for food, for going… for all the things we do mechanically and we are not aware. This is to be present.

And it needs cleaning of another part of the Being: “Who am I” and “How have I lived so far?”

Yes, really self-knowledge is to take off all these layers that we put on ourselves as if we were an onion. We put on layers of protection from very young, when we are inculcating things that aren’t ours and that we are getting from others. Personally, they disappeared at that moment of the decision. It was as if they dissolved. And that was when I connected with myself.

You realized that they were not important

Yes, they do not take a role, they no longer run. You are. You are yourself and who takes the helm of your life. Also, you have no more expectations, no more pressure, no trials, no nothing, you feel free. Personality dissolves and the layers are no longer relevant.

Sometimes, unfortunately we have to go through extreme measures to make changes in our lives
And to free ourselves from all these layers, do you need to go through a serious illness?

I do not think you have to live an extreme situation. It personally helped me to know what I wanted to do in life and what was my mission. I think, if everyone knew he has a mission, and has one thing to do here, they would route life behind this, and all these daily layers would take on a very different way how we do it now.

But people would have to break with many things

Yes, of course. I had to do it. I was an administrative in a petrochemical company and I broke with this saying: “No, my life is not this” and I started fresh.


You were very brave

Well, I felt it was my way. But when you feel like it’s easier. And if you trust, it is even easier.

Follow your bliss!

Yes! Nice and easy!

Or you choose to be you and what you want in life, or you leave
Obviously always without hurting anyone

Yes, by listening to your intuition. Intuition is your Self. The unconscious way to talk. Who you are. “Do I have to go to this dinner, this meeting…?. What my intuition tells me? Mmmm… it doesn’t sound right”. Then I’ll pay attention to my body, my mind, my intuition. And here it is when you start to take back the control.

When did you start to know about natural therapies?

While I was following the treatment. When I was diagnosed with the tumor, I started doing the treatment. That’s when a friend told me that a person would come to do Reiki on me. I did not know what it was. And then it turned out he was a shaman, but well. I liked everything that was natural, so it was equal for me if they were doing me Reiki or shamanism.

And how did you feel?

In the sessions, I felt like home, as if I were in a familiar place. I was remembering.

The shaman came while I was treated with chemotherapy. We did a few sessions of illumination, as they call them, where he opened my chakras, he worked my energy, I was lifted up with love for the whole body to fill with light. When I took the test to see how everything was going, it turned out that the tumor had shrunk by 40% in a month! Doctors did not understand!

And did you continue with the Reiki?

Yes, when I finished the treatment I started. I was wearing a wig, I had no hair and I could not stand me up, but I started my training of Reiki.

I liked everything that was natural, so it was equal for me if they were doing me Reiki or shamanism
And now you are fully dedicated to Reiki

Yes, I dedicate myself to the training. Previously, I had a private practice, but I saw that it was better for people to learn how to fish than not to give them fish. I wanted to be loyal to what I felt, and make everyone learn how to do as I have learned. And I think this is the way.

When you make a Reiki session and see that the person wakes up with a new face, what mystery has happened?

When you know you are a channel, you know that things will happen but that’s not important. You know there will be changes. You see the face of the person more relaxed, who starts to talk, to vent, to cry… He or she wakes up as a new person and call you in the morning and tells you: “It is the first night I could sleep in a long time”

It is the universal energy that they receive, healing energy, which is pure and clean and that a channeler of Reiki can canalise. That simple.

When I took the test to see how everything was going, it turned out that the tumor had shrunk by 40% in a month! Doctors did not understand!
Do the Doctors recommend their patients Reiki?

Yes, there are many hospitals where it is accepted and there are many volunteers who help, especially in oncology, because they see that the side effects of chemo are reduced and it helps emotionally. In one of the Reiki formations that I impart, came an oncologist. She has been formed with me and made all levels and now advises her patients.


Something is changing

Yes. When I explained to my doctor that I was doing reiki and I was feeling good, he said to me: “Well, if you are feeling well then, next person!” But he said it without emotion. When he saw all my healing process, he said to me: “Hey, give me a few of your cards”. It was the best gift to me!

Conventional medicine and natural medicine can be compatible

Yes, it is the new integrative medicine. I gave an interesting lecture with the oncologist I was talking about. Because the two medicines can coexist, respecting each other and taking the best of each.

Going back to the book, it also says, it is important to focus on the positive things. How do you find positive things in such a serious illness?

Sometimes it is difficult to understand that the disease comes to heal. And it’s hard to explain. Because you think: “Poor me, I didn’t look for it…”. Can you understand how it really is an opportunity to change something in your life? Because maybe something doesn’t work or is not correct with your thoughts, or with your emotions, or physically and then the body protests. It’s about understanding a little what the body is telling me, what I have to arrange so that I can heal. It is not the question of recovering with an aspiring but really healing.

Be responsible

Yes, take the responsibility that if I really want to go well, and I really want to heal, I have to go further and look deeper within myself to know what is going on.

You also talk about positive thinking

One day I was given a book by Louis Hay. I didn’t know who she was. I started to apply what she said and I started to feel better. Everything went according to what I was living. It gave me more strength to focus on health rather than on illness, regardless of what I was living. Applying myself to what I need to be and do to be in good health. Focusing on being healthy.

If you live with resentment, your happiness is diluted. When you are happy, you are fine and have high vibration all these things are gone. You do not need to forgive anything because you just accept that everything goes to show you something
And forgiveness?

If you live with resentment, your happiness is diluted. When you are happy, you are fine and have high vibration all these things are gone. You do not need to forgive anything because you just accept that everything goes to show you something.

Food is also important

I changed it. When I did the chemo, I couldn’t eat anything because of the side effects and all that was good for my body was the macrobiotic dietary that was in a little store next to my parent’s house. Since then all my diet is macrobiotic.

And your book only serves people with illnesses?

“La sonrisa de las margaritas” The book is a smile to life. You may be sick or in a situation where you wonder things, separation, job loss… or anything else that makes you think: What am I doing with my life? Where am I going? It is a book for when you start to make these existential approaches.


With the book you help and NGO, right?

Yes, all the benefits are for and NGO called AFANOC, which is an association of children diagnosed with cancer. You get it online at the following address: amazon/la-sonrisa-de-las-margaritas/. It can be purchased online. Normally, it sells all the talks I have done, and also in some stores, pharmacies or diet stores of Tarragona.

Sita, thank you very much for this fantastic time. I reached deep inside your courage and presence… One last thing, will you continue with reiki, writing or have more projects?

Yes. I have noticed that when I do reiki workshops, I also help people in other ways: by talking about food, my experience, and many other things. I canalise other messages without knowing quite what to say. Because this Sita, who has to give the message of hope, is also building herself up in these courses. I think this message has to reach many people, so I want to devote to a project that will be called Sita’s Health and even though I don’t how to do it yet, I have clear thoughts of where I want to go. I can convey what I know because I am an experimenter of life, I love to experience things with me to be and give more to life.

It’s what your heart says

And it is the message I want to give.

Cristina Jané

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Links related to this talk:
La sonrisa de las margaritas


Llibre Louis Hay. Usted puede sanar su vida
Thank you very much to the Restaurant Tòful de Mar, Tarragona, Catalonia.